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The Ocean Action Pod is a public education program on plastic pollution based around a trailer with informative and interactive exhibits; and associated education activity around it. It is staffed by community educators and operates in public places and at schools.


Businesses must follow the current COVID-19 Public Health Orders, and manage risks to staff and other people in accordance with Work Health and Safety laws. 





  • Prior to any event, Pod manager will require staff to inform in writing if feeling unwell by 24 hours or later if necessary, before the event and exclude themselves from attending.

  • Staff will be provided with information and links to government health requirements.

  • Staff will be made aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate. Note casual staff do not have such leave entitlements.

  • Signage will be erected around and in the Pod about COVID-19 health requirements. The Pod website will also show these and this Plan.





  • The Pod footprint will be calculated and the maximum number of people allowed, calculated and signage will show this number for inside and outside the Pod.

  • Staff will be trained to supervise the number of people allowed in the Pod footprint.

  • The Pod will have entry and exit signs.

  • Markers will be placed around the Pod and for education events next to the Pod to ensure appropriate numbers of people at the location and around mobile displays.

  • The outer limit of the Pod footprint will be defined by a rope barrier.

  • Workers will be instructed to avoid close interactions and to maintain 1.5m distance.





  • Staff will be instructed about good hygiene practices.

  • Hand sanitiser will be made available in and around the Pod.

  • Frequently touched services such as interactive exhibits will be cleaned with disinfectant every 2 hours.

  • Maintain appropriate strength disinfectant solutions.

  • Visual inspection will be encouraged.

  • Staff to wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, before and after event.





  • COVIDSafe app info to be provided

  • If we are made aware of a positive case of COVID-19 by a staff member of person who attended an event we will notify NSW Health and SafeWork.



Download the Ocean Action Pod COVID-19 Safety Plan

The Ocean Action Pod is a program of the Total Environment Centre, in collaboration with the Boomerang Alliance and with the generous support of initial funding from the NSW Environmental Trust.

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