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Primary schools program

The Total Environment Centre has developed a new cross-curriculum program for Stages K-3. This program has been designed as an open access resource for schools, available to download from our website. It consists of curriculum linked classroom activities and accompanying teachers notes applying to multiple key learning areas.




If you would like the Ocean Action Pod to visit your school please complete our Expression of Interest form



The Total Environment Centre has an open source approach to all of its educational materials. We believe that materials should be available to everyone so that their use is maximised. Below you will find downloadable files for all of our resources.


We have manufactured activity props professionally, with large printed boards and banners. We are able to produce these items by request, please contact us for prices. If you book the Pod or our education program, you will receive free posters to accompany the pod activities.


Pod activities
Check the instructions for each activity below to find out how you can run them yourself. Our experienced educators are exceptional at delivering these activities, however we want anyone to have access to them if they wish to give it a go.

A Spoon's Story

Ideal for stage 3. Adaptable for stages 1-2

An interactive drama game that explores the time, energy and resources required to make a plastic disposable spoon.



All boards used for running the Spoon Story activity

This PDF contains all the board graphics needed to run the Spoon Story activity. All images are actual sizes and are print ready.

We can supply images on professionally printed rigid boards. Speak to us for a quote.



Plastic Fantastic?

Ideal for stage 3. Adaptable for stages 1-2

Students interact with a giant custom-printed banner that lays out a grid for discerning whether plastic is fantastic... or not fantastic. The key message is that disposable single-use plastic is not fantastic but that plastic is nevertheless super useful and important for certain other things.


Plastic Fantastic banner graphic

This PDF image is actual size (2 x 2 metres).

We can supply a printed 2x2m banner on machine washable synthetic material. Speak to us for a quote.



Storm Water Drain activity - AKA: What's that debris?

Ideal for stage 3. Adaptable for stages 1-2

Students explore how litter can travel across the ground, down a storm drain and out to the ocean. All marine debris was once used by someone, somewhere who never intended for it to become debris. Stop, think and take responsibility! Only rain down the drain!


Wind and Water graphics for storm water drain activity boards

This PDF contains all the board graphics needed to run the Stormwater Drain activity. All images are actual sizes and are print ready.

We can supply images on professionally printed rigid boards. Speak to us for a quote.



Spot the MOOP! (Matter Out Of Place)

Ideal for stages K to 2

What belongs in the ocean? And what doesn't? 36 image cards show a mix of litter items and sea creatures. Students are asked to sort the cards into 'MOOP' and 'Not MOOP'. They then categorise the MOOP items into three categories with important messages - 'Never Litter', 'Don't Need' and 'Take Care'.


Instructions: Print and laminate all sheets A3 (or A4 if you don't have A3 printing). The first two sheets are instructions. We recommend printing them double sided and the rest of the cards single sided.

2016 RESOURCES (from our pilot program)


Ocean Action Hero - printable 'PASSPORT' for schools

Print this worksheet A4 double-sided. Fold top to bottom, with the octopus facing out. Then fold in half again, with the 'soy fish' design becoming the front page of an A6 booklet.

Ocean Action Pod - Original Teachers Notes stages 2-4

These notes are a little out of date and will soon be superseded by our new program but if they're useful then by all means take a look!

Group Discussion Sheet - Common Types of Ocean Plastic

This sheet is designed for group interaction with the mobile display 'plinths' at the Ocean Action pod. You can print it before you visit, or you can use it create your own activity in the classroom.

The Ocean Action Pod is a program of the Total Environment Centre, in collaboration with the Boomerang Alliance and with the generous support of initial funding from the NSW Environmental Trust.

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