COVID-19 RESPONSE UPDATE: The Ocean Action Pod is back in action and taking bookings. Please read our COVID-19 Safety Plan

46 school events with over 3,500 students
49 community events reaching 16,000 people

2,000 km travelled each year
The reviews
are in!
“It’s been great working with the dedicated and inspirational Pod A-team during the year.”
- Randwick Council

Since 2016
49 community events reaching over 16,000 people
46 school events with over 8,500 students
2,000 km travelled each year
Brand new activities and installations designed
Digital program introduced
Come on a tour of the Ocean Action Pod and meet some of our most recent Ocean Action Heroes, and learn more about the trouble the ocean is in and why it needs your help. Then stay on the line and take our Ocean Action Quiz to become an Ocean Action Hero!

Ocean plastic pollution is an urgent and growing crisis on a vast scale
The Ocean Action Pod is a pop-up multimedia educational experience that has been created by the Total Environment Centre to engage both adults and children with the growing problem of plastic pollution.
In 2015 the world added 9 million tonnes of plastic to the ocean. Worse, every single piece of plastic that entered the ocean in previous years is still there.
You may be aware of the terrible impacts of this vast accumulation of plastic litter on sea creatures like birds, turtles, whales and dolphins. But fewer people know about what is happening at a much smaller scale.
Plastic doesn’t decompose, it just gets smaller. The ocean is now awash with trillions upon trillions of microscopic plastic particles, which mop up all the other toxins in the water. Plankton are ingesting these particles. They in turn provide food either directly or indirectly to every other creature in the ocean, including whales, sharks, and every species of sea creature ingested by humans.
A person eating an average seafood diet consumes somewhere in the region of 11,000 individual pieces of plastic each year - they’re just too small for you to see.
BUT, don't despair. There are some clear practical ways forward. Together we can turn the tide of ocean plastic...